Work: Fastly (2021-present), NTT GIN (2014-2020)
BSD: job@
Github: @job
PeeringDB: AS 15562
Twitter: @JobSnijders
Medium: @jobsnijders
IETF Datatracker: Job Snijders
IRC: job in #ix on
SSH Keys: ssh-keys.txt


Job Snijders is a Principal Engineer at Fastly where he analyzes and architects global networks for future growth. Job has been actively involved in the Internet community in both operational, engineering, and architectural capacity, as a frequent presenter at network operator events such as NANOG, ITNOG, DKNOG, RIPE, NLNOG & APRICOT, and in a number of community projects for over 15 years.

Job is co-chair of the IETF GROW working group, director of PeeringDB, director of the Route Server Support Foundation, and developer for the OpenBSD project.

Job's special interest: BGP routing policies, RPKI based routing security, and Internet scale PKIX-RPKI & BGP deployments. Job helps maintain several tools such as IRRd, the OpenBSD RPKI validator rpki-client, the online debugger, bgpq4, OpenBGPD, irrtree, rtrsub, and irrexplorer, and is active in the IETF where they have coauthored or contributed to RFCs and Internet-Drafts. Job also is an OpenBSD developer.

RPKI & Routing work notes
2023/02/02 - Calgary Internet Exchange (YYCIX) deploys world's first ASPA-filtering Route Servers
2021/07/29 - Lacking contextual out-of-bounds checks for the RPKI ROA maxLength field value lead to unauthorized termination of internal RPKI-RTR sessions.
2021/03/28 - Avoiding inconsistent RPKI publications on RSYNC servers:
2020/12/02 - Deep dive on RPKI manifest handling, how routinator caused an RPKI outage
2020/10/01 - CARepository integrity issues in various RPKI validators: manifest_handling_issue.txt
2020/08/12 - ARIN TA publishes objects with unmatching SignatureIdentifiers: arin-manifest-issue-2020.08.12.txt

Job has contributed to the following Internet-Drafts and RFCs:

RFC 9589 (author) - On the Use of the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Signing-Time Attribute in Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Signed Objects
RFC 9582 (author) - A Profile for Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs)
RFC 9323 (author) - RPKI Signed Checklists
BCP 185 / RFC 9319 (author) - The Use of maxLength in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure
RFC 9225 (author) - Software Defects Considered Harmful
RFC 9003 (author) - Extended BGP Administrative Shutdown Communication
RFC 8654 (contributor) - Extended Message support for BGP
BCP 214 / RFC 8327 (author) - Mitigating the Negative Impact of Maintenance through BGP Session Culling
RFC 8326 (contributor) - Graceful BGP Session Shutdown
RFC 8212 (author) - Default External BGP (EBGP) Route Propagation Behavior without Policies
RFC 8203 (author) - BGP Administrative Shutdown Communication
RFC 8195 (author) - Use of BGP Large Communities
RFC 8111 (contributor) - LISP Delegated Database Tree
RFC 8093 (author) - Deprecation of BGP Path Attribute values 30, 31, 129, 241, 242, and 243
RFC 8092 (author) - BGP Large Communities
RFC 8060 (author) - LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF)
RFC 7999 (author) - BGP BLACKHOLE Community
RFC 7908 (contributor) - Problem Definition and Classification of BGP Route Leaks
RFC 7789 (contributor) - Impact of BGP Filtering on Inter-Domain Routing Policies
RFC 7059 (contributor) - A Comparison of IPv6-over-IPv4 Tunnel Mechanisms
RFC 6830 (contributor) - Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP)

Work in progress:
draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-prefixlist (author) - A profile for RPKI Signed Lists of Prefixes
draft-ietf-idr-bgp-sendholdtimer (author) - Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) Send Hold Timer
draft-ietf-sidrops-rpki-rov-timing (author) - Timing Parameters in the RPKI based Route Origin Validation Supply Chain

Abandoned ideas:
draft-spaghetti-sidrops-rpki-asgroup - A profile for RPKI Signed Groupings of Autonomous System Numbers (ASGroup)
draft-snijders-rpsl-via - The "import-via" and "export-via" attributes in RPSL Policy Specifications
draft-keyur-idr-bgp-prefix-limit-orf - Prefix Limit Based ORF for BGP-4

Other projects
BGP Nyan Cat - fun with prefix flapping:
Calculator written in 'route-map': april fools nanog posting
RPKI based Origin Validation implementation in 'route-map': another april fools posting
RING - troubleshooting on steroids:

SAFNOG 6, September 28th, 2021 - slides

A list of movies: movies-list.txt.
LISP wallpapers based on the IETF drafts and the LISP logo: LISP wallpapers.

Legal & Financial
Dutch Chamber of Commerce: 34327695
VAT/btw-id: NL002195612B17
IBAN: NL60BUNQ2068070219

Post address
Job Snijders
Theodorus Majofskistraat 100
1065 SZ Amsterdam